zondag 22 april 2012

Organic Herb Gardening Is Something You Need For The Kitchen

Do you use a lot of herbs and spices whenever you are cooking? If you do, perhaps instead of buying these from the grocery, you can get this for free by making your own organic herb garden.  In fact, it is so easy to do that even kids can get into it.

So what kind of herbs should you plant? Since they are going to be used for cooking, why not go for herbs that are either Italian or Thai. These herbs are called culinary herbs. Other examples that you can plant for cooking later on include basil, bay leaves, chives, dill, marjoram, oregano and parsley.

Chances are you would like to start from the very beginning which means you have to buy herb seeds. These are sold in packs and it is best to read the instructions before opening them.

Some organic herb seeds can be sown directly to the soil while others have to be raised in seedbeds. Best of all, you do not have to worry that much about pests because they are not that frequent when compared to planting fruits or vegetables.

One herb plant that you should avoid mixing with others is mint because it acts just like a weed and has the tendency to kill the rest. But since you need it, it is best to grow it in a pot so it does not harm your other crops. 

Organic herb gardening is not different to organic farming because similar techniques are used to make them grow.  The first step is to find the right location that offers adequate sunlight and drainage. Also, check on the soil conditions because what you have in your backyard may not be suitable for it.

When the soil is ready for planting, the rest of the work is easy since you just have to monitor their progress daily. You should also use compost bins so you produce your own organic fertilizer that can be applied to the garden.

Aside from making an organic herb garden outdoors, you can also do the same indoors so it is much closer to the kitchen. Instead of planting these on the ground, you will have to buy organic containers. These can be made from clay, plastic or wood. The important thing is that it provides excellent drainage and good air circulation.

When you use pots for your organic herbs, do not use soil but a mixture of peat, perlite and vermiculite. They need to be watered regularly so make sure it is moist and not damp. Since they also need sufficient sunlight, you can place these outdoors and then bring them back in when it is too cold or put these in the western or southern windows of the home.

Regardless if your herbs are grown indoor or outdoor, you still have to deal with pests and weeds.  You can pick them off by hand or get other insects to do your dirty work. Mulch is another solution and you should apply at least 3 to 4 inches or 8 to 10 cm in order for it to be effective.

Herb gardening is a lot of fun since it can be used for other things aside from culinary like for cosmetic, craft, household or medicinal purposes.  But if you are into cooking, then organic herb gardening is good for the kitchen.

What Do We Get Out Of Organic Farming and Gardening

Organic farming and gardening usually refers to techniques that do not use any fertilizers or chemical pesticides. This is because although they will help the plant grow, they are harmful to our health.

To give you an idea on how effective it is one study showed that organic milk from cows has more anti-oxidants, CLA, Omega 3 and vitamins compared to the cows that could produce the same amount of milk using hormones, antibiotics and the remains of other animals.

Another shows that organically grown fruits and vegetables have 50% more nutrients and vitamins that will drastically decrease your chances of suffering from a number of health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain cancers.

If this was the case, why didn’t we did we have to use it in the first place? Believe it or not, those who decided to use such things had the best of intentions but realized later on that this was a mistake.

Yes, more vegetables, fruits and meat products are needed to answer the demand of the market but it does not have to be at the expense of the lives that grow and eat it.  Here are some reasons for it.

First, eating products made organically have shown that it people will be able to live healthier lives. Why? This is because items bought from the store, which are washed and heated does not always eliminate the fertilizers or chemicals that were used in making it grow.

Second, organically grown food tastes much better than inorganic ones. The reason is because antibiotics and pesticides take away essential vitamins and nutrients which your body desperately needs.

Third, you have to remember that fertilizers and pesticides also harm the environment. It makes the soil less fertile and also damages the environment.

Lastly, this will give animals the right to live even for a short while instead of being caged then slaughtered.

When you look for organic farming or gardening products at the grocery, you will notice that they are placed in a separate area and they are a bit more expensive. Maybe it is because the demand for such goods has not increased yet but if you are concerned about your health and those you care about, it is never too late to go organic.

The government for its part is doing its share by offering incentives and subsidies to farmers to engage in organic farming and gardening. How? By encouraging those who work the land for a living to cease genetic engineering, irradiation and sewage sludge and instead replace this with crop rotation. Since the shift is quite expensive for farmers to do themselves, the Department of Agriculture is the sole body tasked to shoulder some of the cost.

In fact, since organic farming and gardening is so simple, you can even do this in your own backyard. You just have to prepare the soil, buy the seeds and then following the proper guidelines so they can grow.

Although they are organic, don’t forget to wash them thoroughly before you get home. This is because some farmers use compost and manure and you wouldn’t want to serve that to whoever eats at the table.

Organic farming and gardening is the in thing today. It keeps us healthy and at the same time is environment friendly.

zaterdag 21 april 2012

Fundamental Organic Gardening Tips

And the race is on. On the right corner is an anything and everything goes garden which uses the best chemical fertilizers and pesticides the market today has to offer. While on the left corner is an organic garden that uses only the cycles of nature to cultivate the soil and grow the plants. If you’re on the left corner’s side what will you do? Like a boxer’s second you should have a set of instructions for your fighter, but in this case a set of organic gardening tips will definitely come in handy.

Organic gardening involves growing healthy plants and having high quality produce without the use of chemicals whatsoever. There are a number of ways or techniques that you could use when going organic. The following are some general tips or guidelines that would help you begin and maintain an organic garden. Remember that you don’t need a big area of land to go organic.

The first tip for you is to develop a great organic soil. And the first way to do that is to give your soil some compost material. Compost one of the major components of an organic soil. Without it, your soil will not contain enough minerals for your plants to grow healthy.

Aside from composts, you can add other organic materials into the soil to make it more suitable for your plants. If composts are not readily available, organic growers usually add different kinds of animal manures into the soil. This will act as your organic fertilizers to add to the useful soil nutrients that your plants will need.

The second tip would be to plant the right kinds of plants for the right kinds of soil. Also, take into consideration how much sunshine your garden receives and even the temperature in your area when choosing the plants you will have in your organic garden. It would be to your advantage to choose well-adapted plants in your organic garden.

Also, by choosing your plants wisely you would be able to plan how big, the layout, and the number the different kinds of plants you will have in your garden. We know for a fact that each vegetable, for example, requires different growing space than others.

Another useful tip would be positioning your garden so that it will fall under a shade. Or you can create a makeshift canopy to shade your garden. Shaded gardens are low maintenance, that’s the main advantage. Under the shade, your garden will grow fewer weeds and definitely will not require more water than when it is constantly under the sun. We’re not saying that a good garden is only a shaded one. We’re merely citing the advantages and the benefits of growing your organic garden under shades.

For pest control, the best tip we could give you is to go down and get dirty. The organic way of pest management involves identifying which ones are pests and picking them off by hand. Yes, you read it right. You need to find the insects and pick them off your plants. However, if you don’t feel like it, you can apply a number of organic solutions that you can easily make from common household ingredients. You can also introduce their natural predators to your garden to help maintain the pests into a minimum.

The key for both pest management and weed control is to act quickly. Once you have noticed that there are weeds growing or your plants are being damaged by insects, you should start pulling off the weeds or picking off the insects.

There you go. A few general organic gardening tips to get you started. With the right attitude, the right approach, and armed with the right techniques, you will be able to grow a healthy organic garden and you will be able to harvest all its benefits in the end.
argan oil for psoriasis

Elements of Organic Gardening

Organic gardening in the truest sense means gardening without the use of any chemical substances, may they be in the form of fertilizers, pesticides, growth enhancers, etc. Some people think that if they use only small amounts of chemical fertilizers they still are producing organic. But they are wrong. Let’s tackle some of the misconceptions and issues that surround organic gardens.

Don’t get us wrong, organic gardens don’t mean just leaving them to nature. It does need fertilization and pest management as well. However, you will use materials, techniques or approaches that are truly organic.

When it comes to fertilizers, for example, organic gardens obviously need fertilizers that are either plant or animal in origin and not petroleum or chemical based as most synthetic fertilizers are made of. So this means, organic gardens will have to rely on composts, animal manures, etc to provide added nutrients to the soil that the plants needs for growth. It’s a good thing really, natural based fertilizers is less damaging to the soil in the long run that synthetic ones.

One of the many tips an expert organic grower will give you is that importance of maintaining a healthy soil. Some studies have found out that soils that are not treated with any chemical or synthetic fertilizers or herbicides grow plants that attract less pests. There are several ways to protect your soil. Covering it with vegetation or mulch will protect the soil surface from unnecessary damage from excess sun exposure and erosion from winds and rains. Remember that the top layers of the soil contain the living organisms that plants needs.

At times, organic gardens are also beleaguered by pests and you need to provide some sort of support or else your plants can easily be destroyed by aphids, worms, etc. There a number of effective alternatives for commercial chemical fertilizers. Some are readily available in your own kitchen which makes them really convenient.

Garlic and peppers for instance can be utilized as a spray against common pests. Extracts from the neem tree is also a great weapon against leaf eating, stem boring, or flower devouring pests. Also, you should note that spiders, ladybugs, and lacewings are three of the many insects that are on your side. These insets are natural predators of aphids, worms, larvae, and other pests so treat them nicely.

Another way to manage the pests in your garden is by thinking ahead. When you planted your plants, you could also place along side them plants that are natural repellants of insects such as marigolds which are very effective against nematodes.

Everything about an organic garden should revolve around nature.

Sometimes, it is nice to view organic way of gardening as a means where we can contribute to the protection of nature by helping minimize the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers that are harmful to the environment. May it be a flower garden, your lawn and shrubs, a vegetable patch, or even a fruit and herbs garden, as long as you incorporate organic techniques you are helping build a better future for the next generation.

These are only a few elements that you will have to internalize when start your own organic garden. Just remember that organic gardening is a technique where emphasis is on the interaction of living organisms.
argan oil psoriasis

The Benefits of Organic Gardening

More and more people are getting into natural means of growing crops because of the benefits that organic gardening brings. Experts agree that the most basic premise that people—who are planning to do organic gardening—need to understand about the process of how it replenishes the use of natural resources. Meaning, when one does organic gardening, he or she should understand how important it is to use natural components such as composting plants and other fruits peels to feed the soil where the crop will be planted.

How can organic gardening improve lives

People cannot always be outdoors to feel and see the beauty of nature. Being inside the comforts of home doesn’t mean that people can no longer enjoy the feel of nature for they can always indulge and reap the benefits of organic gardening. Contrary to common perception that crops from organic gardens are not good, there are so many benefits of organic gardening. Although it can be a tedious task to start with, all you need to do is to set your mind into something enjoyable and healthy, then, you can start reaping the benefits of organic gardening.

The following are just some of the benefits of organic gardening:

1. It leads you back to basics. Nature always provides the feeling of health and calmness. The trees, the plants, the flowers, and other elements of nature exude the air of serenity and relaxation. But, due to the dawning of modern age, most people neglect how can nature give ultimate satisfaction and tranquility. But, if you want to back to basics, you can always create your own organic garden in the comforts of your own space.

2. Healthier supply of food. Creating an organic garden might mean that you would have to go down and dirty just to grow fruits and vegetables. Putting aside the energy spent on these tasks, you can realize that at the end of the season, you can harvest fresh produce that most people cannot find in leading stores. Not pondering much on the effort you will exert in planting seedlings would also make you realize you are investing on something that could provide you enough supply of fresh, healthy and sumptuous supply of food.

3. An amazing alternative to save money. One of the great benefits of organic gardening is that it can be a great alternative for you to save money. Aside from being an amazing alternative for a feel of great outdoors, organic gardening can also help you save by getting the best crops for free and having a healthy environment.

4. It serves as a great hobby or past time. For older people, one of the amazing benefits of organic gardening is that it can buy some time off to people who want lesser stress in life. Since it has something to do with nature, organic gardening can indeed be a leisure activity not just for the elder but for the younger ones as well.

But, before going into the hobby of organic gardening, it is a must for you to know where to begin and how to begin. Organic gardening should start from a detailed planning. The first thing to consider is to determine the appropriate location for the type of garden you would want to have. If you plan to have a garden with ornamental plants, then it should be located in an area where the plants can be safe from harmful elements. Likewise, if you plan to have a vegetable garden, make sure that the location you have chosen would provide the crops enough exposure to the sun and sufficient water supply.

read more about organic solutions for your health with argan oil and psoriasis

dinsdag 13 maart 2012

Pure argan oil

Argan Oil and Argan oil is delivered directly from Agadir Gezonder.nu. We provide absolutely pure cold-pressed argan oil for natural skin care and cosmetics and also delicious organic argan oil culinary with the Superior Taste Award 2010. Our Argan oil is Ecocert certified by the international institute. This certificate indicates that the pure argan oil and 100% organic. The organic or biological name is not protected and gives no guarantee of a pure product. Pure argan oil is odorless and pulls very quickly into the skin. Argan oil which is pressed at a higher temperature is clearly less active substances and vitamin E and usually has less odor. Also remains an often cold-pressed argan oil "longer on the skin" and to feel fatter. Please always a valid and genuine certificate of origin and lotcodes with production and expiration date.

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Production of argan oil.
Argan oil is harvested in the area around Agadir. The area has since 1998 under UNESCO protection. The argan tree (Argania spinosa) has been growing for more than 80 million years in an inhospitable area. The tree collects rain water in its leaves which then forms a delicacy for thirsty goats. The tree grows very slowly and may eventually be 10 meters high and a diameter of 15 meters gain. In the rainy season there are are plenty of shoots, blossoms and fruits. It then takes another two years before the yellow fruit is ripe. Compared with the 200 years, the argan tree can be old, but is that a short time. The pulp is a nut with a diameter of approximately 3 cm. The note that 18 x faster than a hazelnut contains one to three teardrop-shaped seeds or sunflower seeds the size of the precious oil. The kernels of the argan tree is precious, fragrant, golden oil is extracted: argan oil - the liquid gold of Morocco. For a yield of one liter of oil is 20 to 30 kg of seeds required.

Production at Diaragan ™ combines tradition with modern advanced production methods. After opening the nuts are the seeds for culinary oils according to a special process gently roasted. The oil is then cold pressed without the addition of water and filtered only once. The oil is bottled and not directly in the bottle "and bucket" stored and transported. This preserves the original taste and freshness and taste of the best kept oil exceptionally well. It is recommended that daily 3 tablespoons argan oil to take. The shelf life is approximately 24 months after bottling. The high content of essential unsaturated fatty acids is the nutty-tasting argan oil is a valuable addition to the diet.

With the ancient knowledge production is now optimized Diaragan ™, where tradition has not been lost. Pure Argan oil contains more than 80% unsaturated fatty acids, of which about 37% linoleic acid, acid oils, palmitic acid, stearic acid and vitamin E. Argan oil is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants protect us against free radicals, chemicals that are formed in the body as part of the metabolism and protection against bacteria and inflammation. Argan oil also promotes cell renewal. The oil is good for heart disease, and cholesterol by the high proportion of omega 3.

Look at this video how the pure argan oil Diaragan TM is produced and pressed. Click on the image.

Argan oil


Cosmetic Argan oil is rich in vitamin E and has antioxidant properties that are essential in the fight against aging and wrinkles. We have products that can be used include Stretch marks, cellulite (cellulite) and eczema. All products are 100% organic and have 60% to 100% cosmetic argan oil (huile d'argan Cosmetique) with addition of other nutritional and medicinal oliën.Voor the production of one liter of argan oil cosmetics are 30 to 45 kg seeds needed! We offer creams, such as facial eczema cream and cream-based cosmetic argan oil. Furthermore, a whole line of care for face, hair and body. Or see our shop we offer a wide collection care with argan oil.

culinary argan oil
Argan oil is also called the "Gold of Morocco", not only

argan oil body

It is important to you skin healthy and supple. The skin protects the body against outside influences. Therefore, use body care products that contain high antioxidants. These substances protect the skin against all negative influences and ensure that skin stays healthy and remain flexible. Argan oil is one such product. Argan oil body contains an extreme vitamin E, gamma tocopherol. Gamma tocopherol is an antioxidant that quickly renew the skin cells and keeps the skin healthy. Argan oil works rejuvenating and makes the skin soft and smooth and gives all the skin care needs. Argan oil is a natural product and contains no harmful ingredients that are found in other beauty products. Cosmetic Argan oil is suitable for the delicate baby skin and can be used for diaper rash.

Below are some argan oil body products.
Body Nourishing argan oil with aloe vera. A delicious blend of argan oil extracts such as apricot. Nourishing and moisturizing oil-based cosmetic argan oil. The oil is good through the skin. The oil has a light fresh scent of apricots. Partly because of the root extract, the skin beautiful and smooth tone. Nice for after showering! The argan oil immediately gets into the skin! A dash of this argan oil in the bathwater. A treat for your body! Available in 120ml.
Body Oil Sensuel. An invigorating fragrance oil-based cosmetic argan oil with rose essence, green tea extracts with a subtle hint of ginger. The oil is good through the skin is absorbed and has excellent massage properties. Available in 120ml.
Argan Oil with cocoa extraten. This body and facial argan oil contains pure cocoa extracts. A wonderful combination of extra antioxidants to make sure that the skin protects the oil helps to stimulate cell renewal and helps the formation of free radicals actively combat the euphoric scent because the oil contains cocoa extract contains beta-endorphin. This material gives the skin a good boost and creates a happy feeling and ontstrest the skin. Furthermore restores argan oil with chocolate extract the moisture and ensures a healthy complexion. The skin feels soft. The oil is quickly absorbed into the skin and leaves no oily stains. Available in 120ml. Introduction Price € 26.95 instead of € 33.50.
Argan oil Argan body and facial for men with a spicy combination of sandalwood, ginger myrtle. Has an antiseptic effect and is therefore suitable as nourishing and moisturizing oil for after shaving. The argan oil is absorbed well by the skin and has excellent massage properties. Available in 120ml. Now temporarily for € 26.95 instead of € 33.50
Argan Serum: pure cosmetic argan oil, extra concentrated by a special pressing process wherein the percentage of vitamin E the very highest. With a very small percentage of the precious nerolibloessemolie. This serum is recommended argan scarring and brown skin patches on the body and / or face reduction. The argan oil is partly due to the cold pressing quickly through the skin. Suitable for all huidytypes, available in 50ml and 120ml.
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Prolonged use of Argan oil scar tissue and stretch marks fade and age spots. The argan oil reduces itching and soothes irritated skin with eczema and sunburn example. Cosmetic Argan oil is also recommended for use in diaper rash, as the product is purely natural and gentle on baby's skin. Argan oil contains no silicone, parabens or other chemical additives. This is argan oil suitable for the extreme sensitive skin. Argan Oil Body is also not tested on animals! True cosmetic argan oil draws directly into the skin and does not feel greasy. Argan oil stimulates blood circulation. For prolonged use, the Argan oil scar tissue and stretch marks fade and age spots. The argan oil reduces itching and soothes irritated skin with eczema and sunburn example.

Argan oil with coffee extracts diuretic. These argan oil contains green coffee extracts. Together with other ingredients such as cedar from the Atlas Mountains, the lymphatic drainage improves and has a detoxifying effect. The argan oil with green coffee extract is also good for the skin because it is in this combinaDeze argan oil contains green coffee extracts. Together with other ingredients such as cedar from the Atlas Mountains, the lymphatic drainage improves and has a detoxifying effect. The argan oil with green coffee extract is also good for the skin because this combination is a powerful antioxidant and thus protects the skin and the vitality of the skin becomes raised. Green coffee extracts reduce moisture and fat accumulations. Available in 120ml. Introduction Price € 29,95 instead of € 33.50.

Argan Balm for very dry and irritated skin.
This balm has healing components that work effectively against damaged, extremely dry and itchy skin due to eczema for example. The basis of the argan balm shea butter, cosmetic argan oil and nigella oil. Shea Butter has a caring effect of a dry scaly or itchy / irritated skin. Argan oil soothes redness and provides a strong cell turnover partly by an extreme anti-oxidant Gamma Tocopherol. Nigella oil contains trace elements inflammation. Further ingredients of this unique cream is mud and salt from the Dead Sea to soften the skin and make less flaky. It also contains prickly pear cream oil makes the skin soft and supple.This balm is also useful for treating pimples.
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Argan oil contains no silicone, parabens or other chemical additives. This is argan oil suitable for the extreme sensitive skin. Argan Oil Body is also not tested on animals! True cosmetic argan oil draws directly into the skin and does not feel greasy. Also, when the skin oil in its full purity against acne, chapped skin and stains and mold. Argan oil makes your nails strong and can also be used for treating lime nails Argan Oil for nails. These argan oil with tea tree for nails and cuticles also contains a very slight hint of garlic and lemon essence. Garlic provides strong nails and lime essence adds a fresh fragrance and let you shine nails. Also, of course, be more healthy nails through the use of these oils.

argan oil hair

Argan Oil for hair
Argan oil is not only good for face and body but certainly to the hair.Argan Oil hair products are packed with vitamins and minerals your hair need to keep them healthy or repair. Argan oil contains extremely high vitamin E (especially gammatocopherol), which is not only good for the skin but also the hair. It penetrates the hair shaft and thus makes the hair healthier and stronger. The hair looks shiny. Argan oil is perfect for massaging into the scalp. The beginning of healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp. A few drops to hair and scalp is enough. The argan oil immediately penetrates into the hair and scalp and feels non-greasy.

The scalp and argan oil.The ideal image of her is that it shines, is soft and supple. Healthy hair starts with healthy hair root. The hair root is in the scalp. In good condition, the scalp hair root healthy. Unfortunately there are a number of scalp problems hair problems like hair loss. It is normal for people 50 to 100 hairs daily losses. But there is also a group that her problems. Extreme hair loss that might occur due to hormonal changes partly due to pregnancy or menopause or stress, illness.
Argan oil is so extraordinarily rich in unsaturated fatty acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6 (linoleic acid) and an extreme vitamin E. Gamma Tocopherol as a strong antioxidant and protects the hair from free radical, eg air pollution. Argan oil also helps the scalp in good condition to establishing its root can produce healthy hair. Argan oil can also help with psoriasis. Massage the argan oil on the scalp. The argan oil pulls quickly into the skin.
Brittle hair and split ends treatment with argan oil.By chemicals such as hair dyes or other chemical treatments, scalp problems entail. The scalp may arise as dry flakes in the hair, including dandruff or even red irritated vlekken.Ook by periodically heating the hair with a curling iron, styling iron or hair dryer can damage to her.The hair becomes brittle and will break quickly. Therefore regularly use a hair mask with argan oil.
Argan oil is an exceptional carrier oil for a hair mask. The hair and scalp in good condition by the regular use of argan oil products, such as argan oil mask with avocado oil (vitamin A) and jojoba oil. Argan Oil a contribution to the promotion of hair growth on the scalp regularly to massage. The argan oil hair mask penetrates the hair shaft. Furthermore, argan oil help the less brittle split ends it.
Jojoba oil is obtained from the cold pressing of the seeds of the jojoba shrub (Simmondsia chinensis). Shrub grows in Mexico and Arizon. For centuries the Indians used jojoba oil for skin and hair care.Cosmetic avocado oil. This oil is made from the cores of the avocado. This is cold pressed.Avocado oil is packed with vitamin A and C.
Argan oil is also added to shampoos, hair conditioners and haarserums. A small amount of balanced used. If too much argan oil in it then it may make her fat and relax.Shampoo with the addition of argan oil and rosemary. This provides an antiseptic activity and soothes the scalp.Hair Conditioner with addition of argan oil and sweet almond oil.
There are also some hair wax products that argan oil in it. For example, the hair wax of shea butter with argan oil and sweet almond oil. This wax is designed for thick or curly hair to make a modern wet look.
Sweet almond oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, protein, vitamins A and B and minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. Shea Butter Shea Butter is extracted from nuts that grow in the central and southern Africa. In Africa, Shea Butter, however, hundreds of years to solve many skin ailments. Shea butter contains a high dose of fatty acids, vitamins A and E.
Argan oil as a supplement: It is important to keep the hair from the outside in condition. But from inside the hair should be encouraged. By eating healthily and drink lots of water.Argan oil is also used as a food supplement made. By regularly taking care what makes for a nice start from within.
Furthermore, this pumpkin is rich in iron and zinc much to take what promotes hair growth. Also, omega 3 is good for the skin and scalp, eg avocado oil.

Argan Oil hair products:

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Argan Oil hair mask for healthy, strong and shiny hair.Healthy and shiny hair makes a part of taking care of the body. Argan Oil hair mask based on 90% cosmetic argan oil with avocado and a hint of coconut oil is a balanced hair oil to dull hair elastic, healthy and shiny and prevents drying of the hair. Argan oil contains an extreme vitamin E, an antioxidant with protective and moisturizing properties ensures a healthy skin. Healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp where the hair follicle where it is developed. Argan oil is also good against irritation also rose. Argan Oil hair mask helps your hair to come into balance and protects your hair against UV radiation.Use: Massage the oil gently into the scalp and hair. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash the hair with a mild shampoo (argan oil). Also try a few drops, or depending on how thick the hair is dry hair for extra shine and the hair easy to comb me. For best results use the mask 1 to 2x per week. Argan Oil hair mask is certainly in the summer to advise on preventative sun in her hair to lubricate and protect the hair against chlorine or sea.

Mild shampoo with Argan oil and rosemary: Nourishing shampoo with Argan oil, cedar and rosemary extracts. Suitable for all hair types, even for colored hair.

Nourishing hair conditioner with cosmetic argan oil and almond oil suitable for all hair types. Gives her a beautiful silk sheen and keep it supple.

Moisturizing hair wax based on argan oil and shea butter. Ideal for use with wax as thick hair or frizzy hair. The wax in your hands to distribute well and massage your hair nice and shiny.

Argan Oil hair serum. This serum on the basis of its argan oil. It makes the hair frizz free, shiny and soft. For a beautiful glossy hair look. Suitable for all hair types

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Also consider the ayurvedic products.Intensive hair and scalp care Bringadi. The basis of this hair is sesame oil. This oil gives the hair and scalp deeply nourished an